Actually, that difficulty led us to get help from other people. We always worked alone, only me and my husband. Then, we got two people to paint the miniatures and one to deal with the molds, but the last details were made by me. We tried to get someone to make the details, but the miniature seemed somehow different and no good.
We were 5 people working all day long and every miniature made for us was sold quickly. This work paid our bills, food, clothes and furniture. I could work and have my children close to me. Our employees were our friends and everything had a great harmony. We were not rich, but I was happy!
Once, we knew about an out of state fair. It was called "Ouro Preto Winter Festival". We could expose and sell our miniatures there during 7 days. We had an old car, but it would be an 8 hours trip to the mountains and we were afraid that the car wouldn't get to make it, then we decided go by bus. As I needed a break, my kids and I went there too. The good thing about selling miniatures is that you can have a lot of them in a bag.
Ouro Preto is a historical city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is called by Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity. It was the place of the sculptor Aleijadinho. He hadn't no fingers in his hands, but he did a lot of wonderful sculptures in the churches of Ouro Preto. In this town there is also an old and traditional university. So, this place is always full of students from everywhere.
The weather was wonderful and the fair was great, then during the weekend we sold almost all miniatures. We bought our tickets back home and decided to enjoy the town as turists before go home. The town was full of people. We went to the museum and walked around looking the colonial architecture.
At the end of that day, we went to eat something, but... Where was the money??? A thief had stolen the wallet of my husband with all our money!!! Now we had no money and no miniatures. We were lucky because the tickets were in my bag, that wasn't stollen. I had some money too. But we had to leave the place where we were staying, so we didn't have to pay for another night. There was no credit cards in that time.
We went to a cheap student place, and next day early in the morning, we were back home with no money to tell the story. Again I had to rush myself to make more miniatures.

2 comentários:
Seems like you were meeting troubles all the time, one after another !? That's how the spirit gets strong !
Things were never easy for me.
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