Sure he saw my miniatures and my attempt to do business. He said that people in America would love my miniatures but he couldn't do almost nothing for me. When I asked him why, he told me a story:
"Once a business man was driving in the desert, when he saw some indians close to the road selling things. He was curious and wanted to see what was that.
He was amazed! They had really nice leather jackets, quilts, blankets, jewelry, bags, shoes... a lot of things! The prices were so good that he bought everything the indians had to sell.
The business man went to downtown and sold everything he had bought of the indians. A week later, he was back in the desert looking for the indians, but they weren't there, where they met before. He drove around trying to find them until he did.
So he said that the people just loved the leather jackets, quilts and everything he had bought. Then, he would want to buy more. The indians agreed.
He said he wanted to order 10 thousands of those jackets, 3 thousands of the quilts and 2 thousands of the blankets to the next 30 days.
The indians started laughing. The older one said that was impossible. The business man didn't understand and asked why. So, the older indian explained that they took about 10 years to make that stuff the business man had bought a week before. They would need more than 1 hundred years to get that order done!"
I understood what my cousing was talking about. He said: "Can you have 5 thousands of the miniatures done and packed to next 30 days?". I couldn't. He was right. It would take a year to be done.
So my cousin just bought some miniatures to give to his friends in NYC and I was left thinking about how could I increase my production.
The excitement of that visit was over soon. Then I was back creating new miniatures to sell at the fair on Sunday.

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