quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009

How I started making miniatures

It was more than 30 years ago. I was still a teenager and was playing at the beach with some friends during a winter day when I found that there was a layer of clay in the ground. I didn't know what was that, but got a bit of the clay and made a small female head. But it was heavy, so I made it again smaller. Then, I did like it. I didn't know anything about modeling or sculpting. I just found that I knew how to make it.
When I was in my way back home, I had some of the clay in my bag. Later I found that I could buy clay. I still keep the two heads I made that day. It is already broken after 3 or 4 movings. Now it looks like an ancient greek or roman piece found in a archaeological site. The nose is missing as part of the smaller one's face, but it is still my first miniatures.

I didn't do it long. After some months I had forgotten about the clay. The left over clay was kept in my garage. However, years later I had to look for this stuff again. In the next post I will tell you why.

PS.: Dear readers - if there is at least one! - I hope I am doing ok with the english language and you get to understand what I say. There are a lot of translators on web, but it doesn't work well. My first language is Portuguese.

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