He was a very intelligent guy, student of Chemical Engineering in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was a kind of thinker, he had something as a genius. Being so wise, he was critical about the world. Sure, he didn't get along with the society standards and therefore he became a hippie. He had to be. If there was no hippies, he would be the first.
He knew to write with both hands, the left and the right hand worked as the same. He played guitar wonderfuly (both sides - the arm of the guitar could be to the right or to the left!). He had a great mechanical reasoning. He was very creative.
He was vegan since when this word wasn't used yet. He just ate natural food. No soda, no sugar, no junk food. He would want to live a natural life, without the human inventions. He didn't want to have things like TV, phone or refrigerator. It was not easy to live with him.
He left the Chemical Engineering School when he completed the third year and started studying arts and painting. It was a big change. I met him first time when he was playing guitar with friends. His name was Marco.
I'm talking about him in the past because he died some time ago. Later I will write more about it.
I am telling all of this because you, reader, can understand what was happening that time. I'd like to ask you: does a person like Marco care about money? What do you think?
Every Thursdays and Sundays Marco was going to sell our miniatures at the arts fairs. The fairs (both) open at 8 AM and close around 9 PM. So, Marco was used to leave our home at 7 AM and he was back in the evening. However, after we started earning more money, Marco was back home from the fairs like 1PM or even earlier. When I asked him why he was back so early, he answered that was because he had got enough money already. Then I would ask "What is enough money???"
Well, the deal was: as soon as Marco earnt enough for us to survive until the next fair, he'd stop selling and was back home. Sure, I disagreed about that. Money is never "enough". He would want a simple lifestyle, but that was too much simple. I wanna live, not survive! How about to have some savings? Emergency money? He said that he was not ambitious. But I don't think this is about being ambitious or not. Did you get the argument?
I felt me beaten. What I was doing? To be awaken until late painting, doing my best sounded useless.

5 comentários:
Of course he could handle this. I think that such people can make money without even knowing it .
Yes... What one could do? Every time we started earning more, he had to get a way to break it. He didn't want to have money. It was like a kind of sin for him.
What a guy!That kind of human is simply too rare...
I guess he thought living in a Wonder toy world...
oh my goddddd this is happening to me right nowwww i need advice pleaseeeeee HE IS JUST LIKE YOUR HUSBAND i dont know what to do
did u get divorced? i dont wanna just survive either :( im going to be a doctor and i dont wanna have to pay for everything either :S what should i do.....?
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