The good thing about natural clay is that you just have to add some water, wait few days and you can use it again. It was what I did. So, I thought about making something to sell with that clay. The heads I had made before would be too difficult to sell. Who would buy a head? No one. Then I thought about making something that people would like to buy just for fun. Just to have it.

That day I made a pair of little stylized dogs, some turtles and worms... They didn't take long to dry outside. Rio de Janeiro, where I live, is a warm place! As soon as the miniatures dried, I should burn it in the oven, but I hadn't a special oven to burn the pieces! I tried the kitchen oven, but it didn't work. It wasn't hot enough. So, I decided to leave the miniatures only as dried clay. Later I learnt that this is called "cold ceramic".
So, I had to paint the miniatures, but what ink should I get? I had ink to paint wood and metal at home. It is the ink we get to paint doors and gates. I painted the miniatures with this ink. It took a lot long to dry, but it worth. After painted, the miniatures were shinning! Still, the thick layer of ink gave some protection to the pieces.
Next, my husband went outside to sell the miniatures while I stayed at home making more. He tried to sell it to the stores and he got it. He got to place all of them in our neighborhood stores! We had to make more!

Um comentário:
They look great and very funny.
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