sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009

The Trump Card

Everyone has a Plan B. What to do when everything goes wrong. Sometimes the plan B is better than whatever we are currently doing, but we don't realize it! And we keep doing "whatever" because it sounds safer. The Plan B is made by despair, but maybe it comes from our deeper core.

I spent years doing "whatever". I did marry again and got my third child. Life became normal during some years. The miniature factory was past. No more painting or modeling until late in the night, no more clay, plaster, dirty hands, table full of colored miniatures, the smell of the ink, molds, fairs, orders. All of this was past. I had a monthly salary and bosses.

However, there is something inside me - SOMETHING, that hates the normal life! Then, I was unhappy. I knew that always would be possible to buy clay and start over. But I did look for a psychologist instead.

I found a lot about me, sure. My likes and dislikes. I like challenges! My job as freelance writer wasn't too common, so no problem, but I was still unhappy. My dad gave me a little help telling me: "Nothing has to be". Then, I got divorced.

As soon as I was divorced, I didn't know exactly where to start. I'd want to do something different. During those bored years, I painted several oil paintings in canvas and some were good! So, I packed my canvas, miniatures and put everything in my car and drove around. Suddenly, I found a nice place and did expose my canvas! That was risky because I didn't have any kind of licence to show my work in that place, but I did! And... guess what? My canvas were sold!

I was just happy! I didn't need that money, but I was happy because it is not easy to sell oil paintings, but I did so well. Later, talking to my dad, he said that I could do that whenever needed money.

He said: "Your painting is your trump card."

3 comentários:

Sara's Whimsy disse...

It's like you wrote this post for me. My Plan B has always been writing. I've always been too scared and have told myself there always be time to write.

Let's celebrate Plan B!!!

Leila Franca disse...

Sometimes our dream is in front our own nose, but it seems that we can't see it.

Unknown disse...

Fighting the fear of doing whatever we want without knowing what will happened is very hard.

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